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Well Man Total Body Check-up

NMC Royal Hospital

Service Package includes:

  • Head Physician Providing Care: Dr.Mallikarjun
  • Hospitals Single Room Stay:
  • Consultation: Consultation is included.

  • Lab Tests services: - As required OR List main tests up to 3 tests.

    - CBC & ESR, C-RP, Urine routine, Stool routine and occult blood, Fasting blood sugar,

    Postprandial Blood Sugar and Haemoglobin A1C, Lipid Profile, Serum Creatinine, Serum Uric Acid,

    Urea / elctrolytes, HBS Ag (to check for Hepatitis B), Hepatitis C card test, Renal Function Test,

    Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Liver Function Test (LFT), Anti HIV (1&2)

  • Imaging Tests Services: - As required OR List main tests up to 3 tests.

    - Total Abdominal Ultrasound Scan,

    Computed tomographic angiography, heart, coronary arteries and bypass grafts (when present), with contrast material, including 3D image postprocessing (including evaluation of cardiac structure and morphology, assessment of cardiac function, and evaluation of venous structures, if performed),

    Chest X-ray

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Well Man Total Body Check-up
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