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Dr. Werner Gehard Diehl



Dr. Werner finalized Fetal Medicine in 2009 and was a Consultant in the University Hospital of Hamburg, Germany, until 2015 when he joined Corniche Hospital.

As a sub-specialist in Fetal Medicine, focused on the wellbeing of mothers and their unborn babies. With up-to-date knowledge, with experience of thousands of ultrasound examinations and being familiar with high-end medical technology, he is an expert in fetal health, development and growth by thoroughly assessing all organs in detail (heart, brain, kidneys, etc.), blood supply and function, as early as the first trimester and throughout pregnancy. Diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis, CVS, etc.) and many treatment interventions, ranging from intrauterine transfusions to feto-scopic laser surgeries (when babies are still in the womb), are among his routine duties.

He is sensitive to all cultures and compassionate with the impact of pregnancy complications on women, babies and their families and dedicated to clinical excellence.

Years of Experience: 13 Years


-          Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology

-          German Board, 2006

-          Subspecialist in Fetal Medicine

-          German Board, 2012

-          Obstetric and Gynecologic Ultrasound

-          DEGUM II, German Board, 2006

-          ISOUG member, since 2001

Languages Spoken: English, German & Spanish

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