البروفيسور الدكتور همان فطيفي

Professor, Medical Doctor, Medical Director

Prof. Dr. Human M. Fatemi graduated as an MD in 1999 from the “Vrije Universiteit Brussel” with magnum cum laude. In 2008, he was recognized as a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery by the European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE) and the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (EBCOG). He is a world-renowned consultant in the field of fertility treatments with over 200 publications. Prof. Dr. Fatemi was a senior consultant for over 14 years at the Center for Reproductive Medicine (CRG) at CZ Brussels. He has several years of experience in the Middle East and specializes in treating region-specific causes of infertility.

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